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Old 09-21-2003   #48
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

For God's sake, Gonzo, GIVE IT UP!

I told Kimmy I was going to be in Indiana for a wedding. I didn't give the date of the damn wedding. It's none of your business. I have things to do in preparation for my trip. I also told Kimmy that porn events were not my cup of tea.

Do you think all of those invited to Kremen's birthday party were telling the truth when they gave their excuses for not being able to attend? I bet some were thinking..."oh sure, I'm going to drop everything and fly to San Francisco so I can watch a bunch of porn people piss on each other!"

There are many people I would like to meet, but not in a group setting. KK has been one of my favorite people on the boards for a long time. Gonzo, it's none of your fucking business when I meet her.

Shape up, before I complain to my hacker friends!

Not all hackers are crackers! And not all posters on pornboards are sicko bastards like you!
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