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Old 09-21-2003   #144
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Originally posted by confucy@Sep 21 2003, 01:24 AM
Sarettah, what do you want me to say? You and Gonzo think you know everything! You don't like me and don't believe me, so I would say the subject is closed. You can't find the truth by digging up old articles.

I will say one thing. Mitnick's co-defendant was a true friend to Mitnick to the end. He built websites for Mitnick. He provided Mitnick with an attorney. He gave money to Mitnick through the Mitnick Defense Fund. He NEVER co-operated with the Government. Mitnick is a backstabbing snitch. He never thanked his co-defendant for being his friend. Mitnick is a worthless piece of shit!

And I think I will add one more thing. Mitnick's co-defendant knows more about security and has more technical skills in his little finger than Mitnick has in his entire FAT FELON FUCK body! Mitnick's co-defendant was guilty of being a friend. Don't we all wish we could have a friend like this!

Where did I mention the *name* of a partner? Now I know why you are Carrie's friend. Making false statements shows what an asshole you are, Sarettah.
Confucy, first of all I do like you...

Secondly, I was just raising this as a possible reason why Mitnick is showing so much hate towards you and why in turn, you have it so bad against Mitnick.....

Many of us act much more strongly towards someone hurting a friend rather than someone hurting us.

Third, the partner thing came up over at Dig's place..... Out of respect for Mike I do not cross link the other boards anymore but I can find the reference (date time etc) and pass it to you....

Sorry you took what I posted as an attack... I was just wondering if there was more to it then some designer dude....

Lew has spaced himself very far from Mitnick since all that shit... Lew has made a success of himself in this business and I would suffice to say gets the respect of many folks around here.... Lews background is also fairly well known to most folks... It was not and never has been a secret.

The first time I saw Lew's name associated with Persian Kitty, I went and confirmed that he and hacker Lew Payne were the same person. That was a long time ago.

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