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Old 09-19-2003   #51
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

CJ, I like being the interviewer. Darren Austin interviewed me, and I was very nervous, just like JR.

The problem I would have being interviewed is that the person interviewing me would want to know about my websites, my legal background, and so far I have remained quiet about them. There are so many secrets I can't reveal, so I would be a very boring subject.

I have encouraged Lee Noga to write a book. I hope Luke Ford writes another book about the REAL porn industry instead of his book about Hollywood producers. Gary Kremen's ex-attorney, Charles Carreon has been talking bout his book for years, and it still hasn't been published.

There are a lot of talented people I would like to interview, including some I don't respect like Steve Cohen, Andy Edmond, Seth Warshevsky, Rob Gould, and many others. <_<
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