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Old 09-19-2003   #33
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Originally posted by confucy@Sep 19 2003, 11:29 AM
Trev, the new anon poster has to be Mitnick or his GF darci. They cannot stand bad press. They fight with every reporter who says one word that is negative.

Making money by lying to groups of security-minded people will come to an end very soon. A famous hacker will be writing a book, soon to be published, about the real Kevin Mitnick. Won't that he a hoot!

Then, NIck, you will know what the Mitnick connection is with PORN!

Hell, one of Mitnick's first guests on his old radio show at KFI AM in Los Angeles was Danni Ashe. How did Mitnick know about Danni? One guess! Then Mitnick interviewed Asia Carrera. Again, I wonder who told him about Asia! I wonder how Mitnick discovered Gary Kremen? Right again, you know the answer.

Mitnick, show your evil dirty face or get the hell out of her.
KK theres another $50 you wont have to pay. I think youve banked 5 days worth here.

The best part is her unyielding paranoia thinking that her Dom Master Mitnick will show up here to rescue her from the evil porners.

But again...when it suits she was Mitnicks hook up with Danni Ashe and Asia.

Confucy....Hollar if you hear me!
We are putting the bastards of this world on notice; greed and corruption will always be met with "a voice made of ink and rage."
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