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Old 09-18-2003   #38
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 323

KK, I'll be seeing you on Saturday night, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

As painful as it sometimes is to watch people tear one another apart, I have to admit it's certainly preferable (and often much more entertaining) than the covert backstabbing and bullshit I see every day working in the corporate world. Perhaps if my coworkers were free to tear into those people who're making their lives miserable we wouldn't have so many people out on stress leave, or a morale problem that's so pervasive the company's put together a Task Force to address it.

Whatever else the Adult industry may be, it's blissfully free of boundaries inside which one must stay or risk a spanking at the hands of some know-nothing monkeys in HR. Oh, to be able to say, "Mr. VP, you have no fucking idea how the internet works, why are you here?" or "Ms. VP, your business model sucks fat hairy balls and this place has gone to shit since your arrival." It'd almost be worth getting fired just to see the looks on their faces...

Count your blessings, folks!

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