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Old 09-09-2003   #150
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Originally posted by confucy@Sep 9 2003, 07:05 PM
CJ, I have always thought I was just a normal person until I started visiting the boards. If and when I call you a bitch, it is said in a joking fashion. We are all bitches at times, and probably with good reason. The guys don't have a patent on anger and BS.

Peaches is a peach, but that doesn't stop her from expressing her opinions, but she does so in a friendly way.

The term "ham" is a silly way of referring to an amateur radio operator. You take an exam and you become a ham. The word really does seem appropriate when you meet the *typical* radio operator. Most are middle-aged men who are overweight. Most in the Los Angeles area are into computers as well as radio scanners and radios. I speak to people in Australia on my radio. Many hackers started out hacking the phones in order to make free calls like Apple's Steve Wozniak and Steven Jobs. They were also interested in amateur radio.

Even Gary Kremen has a ham radio license. Marlon Brando uses a phony name, but he is a ham along with radio personality, Art Bell. I have spoken to Art Bell in the early morning hours.
All this talk about ham has made me hawngry.

But as a public service [not to mention your tired of hearing this bitch continue to moan and whine] I wanted to let everyone know that Confucy's luv poppet Mitnick is in October's CPU magazine.

Hes on the last page called ...[go figure] The Back Door.

Careful though his words might "socially engineer" you into giving up root and admin passwords. But I figured some of you would want to join Confucy as she rubs one out to that cute cartoon of her favorite con.

I just remembered seeing this after reading all crap which made me think back to earlier when I was on the toilet letting Mr. Cheeseburger out.


PS....make no mistake about it...and archieve it with your SLMR or QWK packet equal ..... I did indeed call you a bitch Confucy. And I wasnt funnin'.

Somebody tell TDavid he can move the limelight off of me again...Im done.
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