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Old 09-09-2003   #139
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Originally posted by confucy@Sep 9 2003, 06:41 PM
Sarettah, I have been waiting for you to announce that another hacker has been arrested, but I don't see it anywhere
Well... when I posted the fact that a warrant was issued for him... It got one reply... yours....

I do pay attention to how what I post is received most of the time... If it is a topic that looks like noone is interested in, I do not follow up...

I was aware that he turned himself in this morning... Apparently, from what I know of him, he uses pretty much just a browser to do his stuff...

He will hopefully not get nailed, or at least just get a slap of the hand for it...

If it is accesible from a browser and you dont have to break a password (I have not seen anything saying he does cracks) then I would think that a lawyer could make a pretty good case of the fact that the company just left stuff publically accessible, therefore no crime was committed....

I had this same argument back in 99 with ifriends.... I was tripping around through their archives and was paying attention to the various addresses that would show in the browser when I would go to an archive link... So, I started playing around and pretty much figured out their naming and storage structure.... I found out I could get to any chathost's archive I wanted to and get to any pic I wanted to without ever actually going to the site... They had no or very little security in place.... I contacted them and let them know about the hole... They got pretty rude with me about "hacking" their servers etc.... (eventhough, as far as I am still concerned it was not a hack because they had made no effort to hide their storage scheme)... Upshot of it was that I waited about a week, checked to see if they had fixed the hole... They had not, so I wrote a little proggy and proceeded to download their entire chathost archives.... I then wrotethem a note and let them know what I had done and included some of the pics that were supposedly not available to anyone...not members, not anyone because the chathost had not designated them to be used.. to let them know about it yet again....

Again I waited a couple of days and they still had not closed the hole, so I went onto their boards and let the chathosts know that their archive areas were not secure and that they might want to be careful about keeping their pics out there.... At that point Ifriends noticed...lolol... They got pretty pissy with me, deleting my posts, etc... So, I rang them up on the phone and had a pretty long conversation with someone wo threatened me with lawsuits etc for breaking their non-existent security...etc...

A few days later I got an email apologizing over the whole thing and asking if I found any additional holes to please just contact them privately....

At about that point, I decided that being a nice guy hacker was not worth the time or trouble......

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