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Old 09-09-2003   #66
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Originally posted by confucy@Sep 9 2003, 11:50 AM
But be serious......would anyone with young children really want to choose work in porn if they could be doing something else, making the same money? It's not a healthy environment for children.
And how many other jobs do YOU think allow you to work whatever hours you want so you can volunteer at the kid's school, go to all their sporting events (including the out of town ones), be home when they're home instead of putting them in daycare, being home during school holidays and the summer, being able to be free about scheduling doctor/dentist appointments for your kids, being RIGHT THERE while they use the internet in addition to knowing all the technical ins and outs of the internet so you can stop problems before they start, AND make a decent amount of money? As someone who's been a single parent for almost 20 years, I can tell you NONE THAT I'VE FOUND!

Sure, if I could get the same freedom/money/personal benefits selling pencils, then I'd do it. I'd also sell cow poop for the same reasons, lol! :P

Nothing I do is illegal, I'm not content for anything (except JFK's pictures of me wearing my cocktails ) and I drove around a lot of kids whose parents couldn't be around because of work. I also spent a lot of time getting to know the nannies at sport practices because the parents couldn't be there due to work and many times I was the only parent at practices. My son was able to go an out of district school because of what I do - there's no school bus that could carry him so I had to drive him to school and back every day. That would NOT have been possible with any other job I've had.

I've found that almost w/out exception, the parents in this biz are MORE tuned into keeping their kids away from questionable websites, porn spams, etc. and spend MORE time with their kids than the average working parent.

You may have desired to attack Carrie with your insinuations, but I assure you - you insulted a great many of us and you did so w/ no knowledge about the situation(s).
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