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Old 09-09-2003   #60
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

Sarettah, you know nothing of the problems I have had with Carrie. No matter what I say on GFY, Carrie enters and tells everyone I am confucy. Who cares? Do you know the background of every poster on every board? Fuck no, and who would want to waste time getting to know 90% of those they encounter on the boards.

Carrie said she was *laid off*....well, why weren't people like Sword fired. Layoff most of the time means, FIRED! Carrie doesn't listen, she talks, talks, and talks. Maybe Netpond got fed up listening to her constant bullshit.

I never started a hate Carrie thread on GFY. I leave her alone until she opens her stupid big mouth and starts bullshitting. I think she is a loser. I have nothing more to say.

I can deal with your non-stop ridiculous threads that you feel compelled to throw at us every day, as though we care! Plus, most of your threads go nowhere, so why aren't you sticking with them? I have a short attention span, and when I am bored I move forward. I have spent more time on the boards in the past three months than I have in the entire year. I'm not into quick little cute replies, but I have been doing it on Oprano and because I have felt comfortable.

You say bitter.....I say blunt!

Regarding Serge, we had fun kicking each other in the ass. It is a board thing, Sarettah. You take all this crap too seriously. Do you want a list of names of webmasters who wanted to pay me to come to their boards to be a bitch? I said no! I speak out when I am upset by idiots. Aga and Carrie crossed the line. I have said what I wanted to say. I feel cleansed. Your opinion means nothing to me. You are just a Carrie. No wonder you are sticking up for her. Well, she needs a friend since she is unemployed!

Sooooooooooooo, scan the news, Sarettah, and start those threads a rollin', babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

By the way, you are to Oprano what Sword is to Netpond. A BIG FAT ZERO!
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