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Old 09-09-2003   #58
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Ok..I have been trying to stay out of this mess, but it has been oh...soooo hard to keep my mouth shut.... So I will succumb......

confucy wrote:
"CJ, I'm just trying to show the *real* Carrie. She keeps going back to her family. If she cared about her family, she would keep them out of her conversations on the boards. I believe that women with young children should not be fucking around in porn. That is my opinion. Carrie has other options, but she is so *owned* by porn, that she wastes valuable time jerking off on the boards. "

Confucy, you know nothing of Carrie... Not the slightest little fucking bit. I have known Carrie since back in 97 or 98..... She was running websites and doing HTML design back then, but for the mainstream side of the net.... She and her husband are both very nice people and they have a wonderful caring family.... They are quite self sufficient...... I believe (and this is conjecture because I have never asked Carrie straight out about this) that she turned to adult webmastering because, as many folks have found out, it is a hell of a lot easier and quicker to make money from your web skills on the adult side of the net then it is on the mainstream side of the net... Especially if you live in a rural area and are trying to make your living entirely "net" rather than having to go into the office on a "9 to 5".

As far as "women with young children being in porn" goes... Which is better, being at home building your websites and hitting the boards, or dropping them off at the daycare all day while you go work for the man ?? And I would argue that as webmasters we are not "in porn, we distribute porn, we talk about porn, we talk about marketing porn, but unless you are "content", you are not "in porn".... It might be semantics, but there is usually a line between being a distributor and being content in this industry....

Confucy wrote:
"CJ, have attacked far more people than I have. You have a real hardon for JoeE. I pretend to be upset because I get reactions by being the psycho bitch. You, I believe, are for real, and you even scare me."

Yeah, but CJ can usually back up her attacks rather then just making them up out of the blue. And furthermore, she comes back to the thread and carries it to fruition, unlike you who are more apt to come in, take a few jabs at someone and then ignore the conversation as soon as it doesn't go your way.

Confucy wrote:
"Carrie is only here because she needs a job. She is going from board to board buttering up webmasters."

That may be so, and then again, it may not. I personally think (based upon my knowledge of the person) that Carrie might just be looking for a new home board..... Instead of stating your opinion as fact, why don't you ask her.

confucy wrote:
"Don't you see it? Don't you smell it? MENDACITY...Carrie's middle name."

Carrie's middle name is not Mendacity... I know for a fact...........

Confucy wrote:
"It takes a lot of crap before I get upset."

Bullshit, you are constantly upset. You have made your reputation as a bitter bitch on the boards and although as of late you have seemed to tone it down some and made attempts to get along with some folks, your reputation precedes you and you have a lot of work to do before you shed the preconceptions that you have forged.

Confucy wrote:
"Carrie is so much like Kevin Mitnick that I want to vomit. She isn't a good one, but Carrie is a social engineer."

Again, bullshit.... Carrie is a stubborn, opinionated person who rarely gets moved off of a position she has taken. A social engineer is a manipulator, thus requiring themselves to be wishy washy, basically a politician. Carrie is far from that, in fact, she is completely opposite that. I rarely agree with Carrie, but she holds her opinion steadfastly and would rather cut off her nose to spite her face then to kiss someones ass to get what she wants.

Also, your preoccupation with Mitnick still shows through all the fucking time. You seem to think that comparing someone to Mitnick is the ultimate insult you can deliver. It used to be that you compared someone to Serge and Ladylaw when you wanted to denigrate them..... Now you compare them to Mitnick or Carrie.... Well (in your and Lee Noga's jargon) Babeeee... Serge hasn't changed one bit..... What makes him palatable in your eyes now ?? If anyone in this room is attempting to be the social engineer, it is you.... Pot, Kettle, black.............

Confucy wrote:
"Carrie is traveling around the boards trying to social engineer some poor smuck into believing she has some skills."

Bullshit yet again. Carrie has many skills in the web world. When she came into the adult side of the net she had more html and programming skills than most newbies have... She freely shared her advice and opinions with folks as she learned the adult side of marketing. She has, from my observations, been paying it forward since day one that she came into the adult net. I have never seen her point to it in any posts, but the lady has written and published a book already......

"Looks like Netpond couldn't use her even with all her ass kissing."

It sounds to me like it was probably a mutual parting of the ways....She helped them along, they helped her along.... As is usually the case.......

"Back to sex, tits, cocks, and blowjobs!"

Something that you could obviously use a lot more of.....

Last edited by sarettah at Sep 9 2003, 10:06 AM

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