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Old 09-08-2003   #24
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

Jesus Christ, Carrie. You are such a bullshitter, but true bullshitters use the truth within their bullshit. I never attacked your family. You are the one who brought up your family. Your life is the boards! Look at the number of your posts on the hundreds of porn boards. I can't compete with the bullshit you throw out.

I told you if you were so damn concerned about your kids, then stay home and give them the attention that you give the idiots on the boards.

Hey, broad! You only gave Aga information about my connection with Mitnick. It was fucking asshole Mitnick and another ham who lost his license who gave Serge a crock of shit about me. You and Mitnick should team up. Mitnick has given hackers a bad name, because he is a cracker like you. You are a whitetrash cracker, and Mitnick is a cracker social engineer who has lied his way through life.

Mitnick did teach me one thing. He doesn't believe anyone or anything. He goes through life so paranoid that he thinks there are FBI agents driving by his house in Las Vegas. He thinks I am stalking him. Shit, why would I bother. The only reason he is of any interest to me is because I need an ending for my book. I must stay current about this scrumbag. Plus, Mitnick has a GF like you, Carrie. She can't keep her fucking mouth shut. She has to have a *blog* so she can tell the world what a nice guy Mitnick is.

You are heading down the wrong track. I have no knowledge about you that you didn't dump on Netpond and shove down our throats. You have to get your board fix, and you do it by telling everyone about YOU. Well, Carrie dear, nobody gives a shit about you. If I hadn't responded to your thread, it would have gone into the dumpster.

Grow up! Get a real job. Netpond didn't *lay you off*...they fired your ass!
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