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Old 09-08-2003   #15
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

Carrie, more bullshit.

You and Meat offered me the trip to London to visit Queen Aga because you wanted to shut me up. As I stated on, you were an employee of Netpond when you accepted the trip which should have gone to a deserving non-employee. You were responsible for a couple of very good Netpond employees losing their positions because you wanted to work for Netpond. I will admit, you did the work nobody wanted to do...sitting in a booth giving out Netpond banners...and poor little Carrie wasn't allowed to smoke.

Nobody even knows what you did at Netpond, yet you have the guts to come here and announce that you are no longer at Netpond. Well, let me inform others what you did:

You bullshitted daily on Netpond's board with Sword and bored webmasters so much that Netpond is but a skeleton of what it was before you showed up.

You manned Netpond's booths on two occasions, once in Canada and once in Hollywood, FL.

You sent out a boring piece of shit newsletter for Netpond.

You put together some websites for Netpond which were failures.

But your main job was sending information to Aga about people he didn't like. When Aga was determined to find out my identity, I wrote to him in private and told him why I was keeping my name private. He told me that he would never give out the information he had on file about me. Where did he get this information? Right! He got it from you, Carrie. Fucking Snitch Bitch.

On August 17, 2002, Lord Aga told me in email: "Just having some fun.. and confusing the fuck out of everyone that thinks they know who you are This is what I have dug up (And it stays with me.. I would never give info out on someone that wants to remain anon)"

Lord Aga said exactly one year ago on 9-8-02..."Technically Carrie does not work for Netpond.. but even I thought that it could look a little suspicious.. so we gave away another trip. is that fair?"

I will not mention what Meat told me because I respect him. But I think you all get the point. I was fucked over by Carrie and Aga. Betrayal is a bitch even if it comes from someone like you, Carrie!

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