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Old 08-12-2003   #194
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Last year I spoke with one of the main coordinators @ the Venetian about our group. She said that believe-it-or-not the shoe salesmen and ladies' Tupperware groups were rowdier than we were over the years.

I wonder if she was privy to such goings on as the topic of discussion here, but all-in-all it seems we do NOT have the worst reputation.

True, it's like my 14 year old saying "yeah but so-and-so did (something worse)" and expecting me not to punish him because somebody else's kid behaves worse than he did, but perhaps the hotels do not see us as badly as we are seeing ourselves. True, it's distasteful, shocking & an image we don't want the world to have of our industry (like they don't already have a pre-set notion about us), but we can't control everyone.

Good point about a lot of it being newbies & folks just there for the "fun" and "party." I think that's a LOT of our problems at public events like this one.
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