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Old 08-11-2003   #182
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,143

Originally posted by *KK*@Aug 11 2003, 11:24 AM
ulfie, I just cannot get over how slim and trim you are now. Wow
Thanks, One day I bent over and I had a hard time tying my shoes. That's the day I said it's time to do something about this. I've dropped about 45 pounds and still have another 20 to go but at least I can walk 9 holes of golf now and not feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.

Peaches, powerball jackpot is going back up again so when I win maybe we can afford one of those states. I'll take one side and you can have the other and we'll get together twice a year at shows. It will be the perfect marraige.

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