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Old 08-07-2003   #98
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 291

hehe...ok...colin, I could see that comment from me was waiting for a reaction...

typicall american I mean with this :

Like the law in USA.

over 65% of our traffic is comming from USA, most porn companies are from people from USA...and still the government wants to exclude porn from the country......???

and as far as our business:

It's ok to sell it but not ok to do it ???

thats all......nothing too nasty towards USA Colin, but I must say my experience with the mentality has not always been a good one. I believe that European people value long term relationships and handshakes more the American people do.

But I might be wrong....I sometimes have a bad feeling with who to, I just take my loss and move on..I call it business risks now days...hehe....

But my bank account can handle a little more than a few years, the mistakes I feel less than a couple of years back..if you understand what I mean.


I would love to meet you too !

I am against any kind of content which is degrading woman, vomit, abusing animals, girls, and pregnant woman...

I believe that porn should be happy content, between adults and that should be the border.

I have been saying this for a few years already. I just have the feeling now business is getting more difficult that suddenly people realise that it might can be too late & changing their thoughts and opinion on things.

But - I don't want to bitch all the time ....I don't have the wisdom either...I hope performers will be treated nicely because they are the reason We all make money !!!

whenever you in europe please come visit me !

Love Claudia
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