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Old 08-06-2003   #1
Mike AI
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It amazes me how much this industry has changed, and how the conventions and parties have changed as well.

I remember the first show I went to in Orlando... it was a pretty low key affair, the only real party I remember being outside the hotel was thrown by Python at a local strip club. This convention is the one where everyone was a newbie, and lots of great friendships and business associates were made.

This last show, I strolled over to the GFY Boat party to say hello to Lensman, and I was pretty distrubed at what I saw....

The rest of them are here

When I saw this unfold in front of me on the ship, I knew it was time to leave.... the guy also pissed all over the boat as well.

This is the problem with our industry.... there is a lack of professionalism... there is a group of people who are more thrilled to be part of the show, then understand that this is a BUSINESS!!

I am far from a prude, and if people want to urinate on each other, or in cups ands drink it in private... I am all for it.... but to do it at a party, a "business party", that is why this industry continue to head South quickly!

- End of RANT!

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