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Old 06-22-2003   #270
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by cj@Jun 21 2003, 08:00 PM
Joe, if you are going to send someone else in to fight your battles, at least don't send a halfwit ... i don't need a dress rehearsal, just drop by in person, i'm ready!

>BTW, I actually know more than you seem to realize! ;-)

I doubt it ... I already gave you an opportunity to give an - doesn't seem like you know two fifths of fuck all about anything ....

is joe paying you to make a dick of yourself? make sure you get paid in advance

oh, and fyi, you continuing to back and forward with me is only making this thread longer and the world more curious

"update on Joe's current 'situation' "... That's just too funny... the point I'm making (which is obviously much too subtle for you to comprehend) is that I could update tons of things. I choose not to, however, coz, personal shit and character assasination shouldn't be aired in a public forum. LOL... get it now CJ?

"making this thread longer and the world more curious"... granted the thread is getting longer, but more curious? I doubt it... more boring is more likely.

And to anyone that doesn't like ME (colin?)... oh, I'm absolutely devastated... not! So, I'm not getting an Xmas card then?

PEACE to all of you.

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