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Old 06-17-2003   #44
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 747

In the 5 years I have been in this business, there have been MANY who have not kept thier word, honored contracts, or just plain screwed with me. JoeE is NOT one of them. Many would surprise you, but bringing the dirty linen to the boards has not been a good way to settle much of anything. There is only one person I have ever badmouthed on the boards.

Joe has always kept his word with me, and there are not many I can say that about. I wish he would get off 'the stuff - and actually I would like to shake him sometimes. But, he has been very generous with both his time and money in the adult community. Even though he gets off track from time to time - he has a Good Heart - and that is an important asset. I wish him well.

I have dealt with Forrest very little - but he has never screwed with me when I did. Although the boards are a good way to vent frustration, I doubt he will get much mileage from them. You have got Joe's attention - so now is a good time to settle this thing (off the boards)
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