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Old 06-17-2003   #23
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: La Costa, CA
Posts: 91

I have to say the same of Joe E-

I was a newbie once with no money in my pocket and a tradeshow, I recall Joe introducing himself to me and giving me a hundred dollar bill to play with. I have seen Joe give a homeless man money in the streets of New Orleans so he could eat.

Now as you know inthis industry there is NO honor among thieves.....

I hate to say it but WE ALL OUR THIEVES in one way or another, don't believe me? Look around the mainstream companies- ask them if they understand why some of them get bogus charges on their credit cards, or get spammed with so much porn they cannot handle it- throw in recurrings that most people have no idea about and bingo-

Yes we are all thieves- so Joe did something bad?

I haven't seen exactly what he was accused of....

All I know is when I did something that Joe wanted me to do , he not only took care of me, but I also got paid.....

Or laid.

Forest I gather you are upset- I recall your boasting posts about your sex survior thing with Joe a few years back.

Let's just say this Forest, move on.
This is not worth the fight.

Plus do you think Joe E is scared of YOU?

Joe still is the only guy I know with a G3 you have a G3?
Are you to tell me he has that plane because he rips off content producers such as yourself?

come on man-
Professional Internet Marketing Person
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