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Old 04-17-2003   #66
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 236

Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Apr 16 2003, 05:11 PM
6pm, thursday, route a1a, we slowly go out for dinner and whom do i see in my back side mirror?

jeff from mr cash!

what are the chnces of meeting like that????


I think it was June 2000...I was in LA with RB and Fold to do some golfing. We were riding down the interstate in a RENTAL convertible when a HUGE, BLACK, 4X4 SUBURBAN with tinted windows and big Hella Lights and one of those push grills on the front comes rolling up behind us and tailgating us and honking and flashing ALL the lights. I was scared as shit. RB, in typical Brooklyn fashion, begins to cuss and holler and flip birds out the roof at this idiot who is threatening our lives. We came to a stop light at the next exit and the truck slides to stop directly to our left. I duck so that RB will got shot instead of me....when J$tyle$ sticks his head out the window and says "Sup?"

I almost cried

Figure the mathematical probablilty of people from THREE separate states driving in a FOURTH state in a RENTAL car and having someone from a FIFTH state roll up on them on the INTERSTATE. (Keep in mind there was no tradeshow, no nothing....we were out there golfing and Jonathon was either interviewing or had just started with CE (driving Ron's Suburban).

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