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Old 03-25-2003   #229
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Sure we can make it to 7 pages...this is still discussion worthy.

You know Alex - maybe this is a good opportunity to tell you something that has been bothering me for a long time. We talk to people on the boards and form opinions about them from their words - these opinions come up inside us sometimes without our really even realizing it. Unfortunately, what is said on the boards - or in a single email exchange - doesn't properly sum up the whole of that person and often times our opinions are just DEAD WRONG.

We had an email exchange over a year ago - maybe closer to two - I doubt you even remember it, but I sure do. I was really angry at a question that you asked of me - it was kind of sarcastic and at the time I thought it was way off base. Now that I've removed myself from the "place that I was before" I see what you were trying to say. I don't think you're a bad guy - I just think you call 'em like you see 'em and to hell with what anyone else thinks. Some people can't take that - at the time I sure couldn't. I see a lot of people debate you, your posts and your thoughts in lots of different threads. You make people think - even when it's an argument - your points either help people see things from another perspective, or just strengthen their own ideals.

I guess I just wanted to say that I pegged you wrong - and I bet a lot of others have done the same over the years. Hats off to ya Alex - we may not always agree but hey, that's what makes it interesting.
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