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Old 02-28-2003   #136
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JR- Great post
You have a better perspective from your travels and living in different cultures than most would/do

I am a little conflicted on a few things in the post though, maybe with more information I can better understand

" there is proving to be a legitimate need to keep a check on US power and global influence" Why? According to whom?
"to most who can only helplessly sit back and watch the worlds most powerful nation, most powerful military and most technologically advanced fighting force go around the UN and arguably international law, to attack a country, it doesn't."

But at the same time you understand a country's need to serve it's own interests as it sees fit

Why should the US concern it's self with international law (if there even is such a thing as international law) when we need to serve our own interests (I'm not even going to throw in the democracy agreement)
and who is responsible for creating and upholding these international laws?

I'm pretty much to the point where I believe the US should lessen it's involvement with the UN. As much as I'd like to see it the US can not totally remove it's self from the UN

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