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Old 02-28-2003   #133
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Interesting post Colin....

I am interested in what others think of the concepts of "freedom" and "democracy" and how important they are to them.
I think you will find that the concepts of freedom and democracy are very similar in other democratic societies as they are for most Americans.

I think this question should be targeted at non-democratic societies ie: Iraq etc....

I fear the ideologies of freedom and democracy are not held in such high esteem in areas such as the Middle East where, as JR pointed out, their societies are not based on 'pop culture' and other typically democratic concepts.

I think I've said this before....even if Saddam WAS removed in Iraq and a democratic system implemented, 'the people' would most likely 'vote' for a person/party that upheld their belief systems and lifestyles.

I think it's utopian thinking that they will become 'westernized' just by the implementation of a democratic system.

In fact, I fear that they might 'vote' for someone who upholds fundamental Muslim beliefs...and that is scary. At least we know that Saddam could care less about Jihad or Alla....he's too greedy and self-serving for that.

That's not to say I don't want Saddam out (Lord knows I think he deserves alot more pain than a quick shot in the head)....but I DO think we need to think VERRRRRRRRRY carefully about implementing a democracy there.

My 2 Canadian Cents

Last edited by gigi at Feb 28 2003, 12:51 PM
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