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Old 02-28-2003   #123
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Rut Ro....I wasn't talking about myself being the 80 pound weakling (I WISH!!! )

Alex said that Canada doesn't need a military because Canada doesn't piss people off, but I was wondering out loud if maybe they weren't pissing people off because they didn't have a military Chicken/egg/chicken.....

It's real easy to say "Oh, everyone loves Canada and Australia!" Well sure! Because again, who the heck are you going to go and tick off when you know you can't really defend yourself? It just wouldn't make much sense, would it? America is the 800 pound gorilla. We have the ability to create economic and military problems for most of the other countries in the world. We can be a bully and it's human nature to hate the bully.

And please understand - I LOVE Canadians, I LOVE Australians and there are a LOT of Americans I can't STAND. This isn't anything personal. And I think the Japanese are committing suicide in such high numbers because they live in such tiny little spaces - yuck!

(Gigi was touching my boobie and my eyes were closed in deep ecstasy. I hope everyone downloaded that picture as that's about as close to a lesbian scene as you're going to get from me )
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