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Old 02-28-2003   #119
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,997

JR, i'd say that is the best post ever made on Oprano. well said

re: Americans not knowing any world news.
I'd say thats probably changing slowly with the help of the internet.
I know for myself i read a lot of world news sites, and so do others as all those sites are popular. But other than that no major new channel covers much of whats happening in the rest of the world unless its some major event. I hardly ever hear anything about Canada or Australia on the news. UK gets covered the most out of all the foreign countries. I have seen BBC news and some German news programs that i've run into while channel surfing, but those are rare. Even news from rest of the Americas hardly ever makes it on, unless again some shit happens. And you're right about Russian news, I've seen them and they do cover all types of news from the US. So as far as world news and happenings goes, i'd say most Americans are pretty ignorant in that department.

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