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Old 02-28-2003   #101
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 10

USA could easliy whoop Iraq ass.

But why should we do it alone?
Its a world problem that many refuse to deal with.

I garrentee you this.
We leave iraq alone and let them continue their present course.
We ALL will have much bigger problems down the road.

Just like the Gulf War.
Isreal wans't even involved. Just friends with the US and for what I remember, Iraq sent over several Scuds at them.

I wonder what Iraq would do if they had more powerful and dangerous weapons then?

Maybe be get pissed off at ANY contry or Saddam gets a whim to go after another country and use something like VX or even nuclear bombs on our allies, just like he did with Kuwait.

Thanks, but no thanks.
twelve years is enough.
I'm tired of dealing with the man.
Just time to get rid of him.
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