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Old 02-28-2003   #42
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Originally posted by Carrie@Feb 28 2003, 01:50 AM
PD - I fully realize that they've been there with their forces and the threats they deal with daily.
I'm talking about approaching the UN and screaming at the folks there that something needs to be done - like we are doing now, and being skinned alive for it.
It's not just a question of "...have been there", Carrie ... they are putting their money where their mouth is and backing us now. You're saying your upset because, why, they aren't doing it loud enough?

I have no reason to think that Australia isn't backing up the U.S. at the UN - considering they have troops on the way and already there, it would be pretty peculiar if they weren't. Perhaps they aren't doing it as loud, as shrill, or as self righteously as you think appropriate - but they are there for us. I don't believe they currently hold one of the rotating seats on the Security Council, which probably explains why we aren't hearing much about that. We are concentrating our efforts on Cameroon at the moment.

The UK and Australia are taking plenty of heat about their support for our position on this. Both Blair and Howard are taking heat from within their own parties, let alone from their opposition, for their stands behind us. World opposition has focused on the U.S. - since we are spearheading the effort, that seems only appropriate. In the eyes of the world Australia and the U.K. are dancing to GW’s tune. alQaida and other such vermin have also taken note.
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