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Old 02-28-2003   #41
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my apologies to peaches if I read that incorrectly.
like i said, i was shocked ... so maybe that's why ;-)

carrie, go back and read the topic I was responding to before you attack me and the opinions i've stated in an open discussion. your doing exactly what this whole discussion started from ... automatically getting on your international high horse and jumping on the 'stop picking on us' defense.

your not even discussing the same subjects as I am. I don't need convincing that America is in the right for wanting to blow up iraq so have another read of the posts. ALL of them.

What I want to know is why the OTHER countries in the world - like Australia - aren't standing up and demanding that something be done? Why didn't they do it 6 years ago when Hussein was still bombing and gassing his own people?

ummmm ..... what?! nice way to piss off an australia - claim we aren't standing up and making demands. we are the only country who has declared unconditional support for you and you have the nerve to speak this sentence? looks to me like we ARE standing up and making some demands and your standing on a soapbox hoping to get a few 'jabs' in and hoping no one sees that you don't know what you are talking about. did you know that australia was victim to a terrorist attack (in bali) which lost 170 (mostly) australian lives due to our immediate and very public support of usa?

>>Just because I don't agree with his beliefs doesn't mean I MUST hate him, that I have no other choice. That's just childish.

that's funny .... i could have sworn that alex and I have said the same thing in this thread! like i said, read again ....

i'll help you out
its all about what makes someone an america hater, and started with colin asking alex to justify his answer on whether he was an america hater. then the point came up that only an american can point out flaws in american politics and that foreigners would be america haters if we said the same. then a few americans came along and changed the course of the discussion by rewording everything into american english and only taking the time to read 1 or 2 posts that outraged them and then responding with a string of americanisms that had nothing to do with the original point - like you've done.
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