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Old 02-28-2003   #38
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Originally posted by Carrie@Feb 28 2003, 01:11 AM
What I want to know is why the OTHER countries in the world - like Australia - aren't standing up and demanding that something be done? Why didn't they do it 6 years ago when Hussein was still bombing and gassing his own people?
And why is it that because America *is* doing this, we're the big awful "bully"?
The UK is right beside us in this... why aren't they also being tagged with the "bully" line?
Ummm ... before you rant about something, you ought to check the facts, Carrie. Some Australian forces have already gone to the Gulf - left in early January, if I'm not mistaken - with more on the way. There are not as many forces as the U.S. and Britain are providing - they don't have as many, and they've got far more danger on the homefront than we do, IMHO - but it is a substantial force for them.

That's with an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist group operating freely far closer than southern Mexico would be to Dallas, in an area that is in complete chaos. That's at (as I understand it) tremendous political risk to the Prime Minister - because Australian public opinion is even more closely divided than American public opinion, and the likelihood of a backlash for supporting the U.S. is great.

Whenever the U.S. has requested it, Australia has been there - in Korea, into the insanity of Vietnam, and the Gulf War. Sorry about clouding the issue with relevant facts, Carrie, but you really should have known better than this one.

Last edited by PornoDoggy at Feb 28 2003, 01:48 AM
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