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Old 02-27-2003   #31
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KC, I have made a couple of trips to Japan, and have full intention to return as soon as time and planning permit. It is actually very weird how safe you will feel there... go to Tokyo, travel by subway (even last train of the night) without fear... wander the red light district with no real bigger fear than the endless calls of "sexy massage" and "I make special offer for you!"... it isn't as safe as it once was, but compared to ANY major american city, it is safer than you can imagine.

It actually took me about 3 days to turn down the radar - Tokyo is very crowded, but not that nasty rude "get the fuck out of my way" version, just alot of people with things to do and places to go.

I *HIGHLY* recommend it. (and I travelled ALONE, with no real understanding of the language or the country... and had a blast!)

Let's go to the edge of disaster Push the pedal and go a little faster Let's slam into a wall at ramming speed Let's go to the edge of a mountain Jump off and lets start countin' Hit the ground and tell me if it bleeds
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