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Old 02-27-2003   #12
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location:, Inc.
Posts: 505

americans never say anything hateful about other countries??

Actually, if you slow down and re-read, it says we don't spend out days hating other countries! I don't recall saying never.


Have you ever visited my country? I'm FAR from jealous, believe me. The only thing America has that I wish my country had is Junior Mints, but we've got Tim Tams so you really should be jealous of us.
I haven't yet been fortunate enough to have visited Oz, but I'm excited to visit. I know several Aussies and hear it's a beautiful place!!


I have free health care
My streets are clean
People don't carry guns
My country folk are loyal and hardworking and friendly
I can flick through 50 cable channels and watch american sitcoms
Why is it that you watch America sitcoms? The only Aussie TV Shows we get in America are "Crocodile Hunter" and "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here" (Which is a god awful show with has-been American actors, but is in fact based in the Aussie Bush!)

CJ, Don't take it so personally, I consider you an "Honorary American" because you work with so many Americans! When I come visit I'll buy you a pack of Tim Tams and we can get "pissed" drinking Foster's together!!
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