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Old 02-27-2003   #10
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I realized that Americans don't spend their days hating other countries. I never hear, "The British are assholes", "Australians are this...", “Japanese are this... ". Sure we like to make fun of our Canadian friends to the north every once in a while, but they know deep down we love them!

americans never say anything hateful about other countries??


america is the most hateful nation i have had experience with in the western world. your view of yourself is very well jaded!!!

oh that's right, we don't deal in actual facts around here, just the american version.

KC, its obvious from your post that you just skimmed through the thread, and picked a couple of sentences that you could reply with the same old thing ... you have dismissed all views and opinions expressed on this board by latching onto a single point that makes you feel better about the opinions raised about your country. (ie, the jealousy thing)

Have you ever visited my country? I'm FAR from jealous, believe me. The only thing America has that I wish my country had is Junior Mints, but we've got Tim Tams so you really should be jealous of us.

I have free health care
My streets are clean
People don't carry guns
My country folk are loyal and hardworking and friendly
I can flick through 50 cable channels and watch american sitcoms

I received an icq before by a fellow foreigner telling me to chill ... 'they aren't worth worrying about'

This is what those who you scare away with your childish arguments think:

i agree with you btw and am one of those pussy foreigners who just refuses to buy into this...just thought you needed to chill

i don't get into political debates because it's like bashing your head on a brick wall

the saying 'there are none so blind as those that will not see' springs to mind far too often these days on oprano

way to go oprano!!!!
KC for president!!!!

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