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Old 02-27-2003   #9
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Bravo KC! Well put

CJ - I went back and read the things I posted in this thread - and I sincerely believe in every word I said, it's not propaganda, it's not clichés. For me where I stand today it the honest truth.
It's not in a book handed to you at birth, it's the realizations that come with age and experience

Every nation must do what is best for it's own well being. That's part of the reason the US is having problems with France and the UN. France has decided that it is better for them to support Iraq that to support it's long time ally America. To each their own

"why would ANY foreigner want to post on this board?" - maybe to take the opportunity to share their perspective and get a little positive back in return.
The Oprano community is primarily composed of Americans (and a few are chest beaters like myself) but I'd like to think that even as chest beating American's we are not so dense as to discard another's valid viewpoints, perspectives or experiences just because they do not agree with our concepts

and again please understand how tired we are as American's of all the America bashing that goes on - and that does lead to the fuck all attitude
If the shoe was on the other foot I hope citizens of other nations could take all the flack as well as American's have - especially after everything that America has done positive in the last 2 centuries

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