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Old 02-27-2003   #1
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Originally posted by Sword@Feb 27 2003, 03:41 PM
Yeah it's all "amateur psychology" here Pornodoggy. Is that the best you can do? If we're talking amateurs here, I'm quite certain every one of your opinions ranks as just that. Unless I missed something regarding your qualifications to debate this being any more extensive than the rest of us.

I won't comment on the rest of your stuff, because I didn't bother to read it. Why should I? Apparently the new thing from you is disregarding everything that is posted by an "amateur" on this board, and your posts certainly qualify for that, just like the rest of us.
Touchy, touchy, touchy ... and while I may have disagreed with what you said, I didn't get petulant and stop reading what you had to say.

You seem to feel that it's all a matter of jealousy - Mike used the sibling rivalry analogy, and I think you were using the sports team scenario. By that way of thinking, you almost give credence to the morons who say it's all just a question of the American bully flexing his muscles and beating up on small brown people he can get to because he's mad - that would be the "either/or" to your analogy. I would dismiss that as amateur psychology, too, and also call it shallow, superficial, muddle-headed thinking. And as far as the term "amateur" goes ... when I read lines like "it is the basic psychology of class envy or in this case country envy" the word amateur does pop into mind. Country envy? Puh-leaze!

Yes ... I'm sure that there are some people all across the world who oppose a war with Iraq just because America is pushing for it. They are stupid. There are people in this country who don't know the difference between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, and think the majority of hijackers were Iraqi. They are stupid too. There are lots of stupid people out there.

IMHO, not everyone who thinks the United States is/may be going down a dangererous path here is some immature nitwit responding in some Freudian/Marxist way to all the wonderful things America has that they don't. If the term "amateur psychology" bothers you, I apologize - you know us liberals, we are always sensetive to other peole's feelings.

Allow me to replace it with "shallow, superficial, muddle-headed thinking."

If that's too many words, try 'BULLSHIT."
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