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Old 02-27-2003   #45
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Pornodoggy, oil isn't the ONLY issue... but it changes alot of the options on the ground. The current Bush Administration has even admitted this fact. (I saw this on CNN today, less than an hour ago). I don't "rant" about gas guzzling SUVs, I point out that the increased need for oil creates the importance of Arab nations in US policy. SUVs are just a nice "visible" example of the cause... your choices at home does have an effect on the way the world runs. It was my opinion that decreasing demand for oil would have much more positive long term effects than pouring french wine down the drain would.

North Korea has thumbed it nose at the world for over 40 years... How many Americans died in the Korea War (oops, police action... whatever)? Who has weapons of mass destruction? Who is making threats? Who is testing missles with range to reach America?

What's the difference?

Let's go to the edge of disaster Push the pedal and go a little faster Let's slam into a wall at ramming speed Let's go to the edge of a mountain Jump off and lets start countin' Hit the ground and tell me if it bleeds
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