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Old 02-27-2003   #40
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I'm not reading the kind of childish, petulant, lowbrow sentiments from Alex that I am reading from a great many people on the opposing side regarding other nations - I mean, really - "Freedom Fries"? What a friggin' joke.

Much of the language in Alex's posts suggests a traditional liberal understanding of issues (i.e., the rants about gas-guzzling SUVs and the like). I don't find major distinctions between his language and any traditional American liberal - not that there are many kicking around these parts.

With regard to the war specifically, it's obvious that he feels U.S. foreign policy is motivated by oil. Again, it's the position taken by some on the American left. I question the validity of that opinion - I think its a superficial read. I don't think it's any more or less superficial than the idea that war with Iraq will in any way materially affect alQaida, or that American defeat of the Saddam Hussein regime will create some wonderful "city on a hill" that will cause peace, democracy, and free markets to break out across the Middle East, and "scare" terrorists out of attacking the U.S. and its allies.

As an example, he's taking the approach that some American liberals are - the "Iraq=oil=war; N Korea=no oil=no war" theory. I think that's an oversimplification. It fails to recognize that Saddam has been thumbing his nose at the world for 13 years now. It also fails to appreciate the tactical problems presented by the N Korean scenario that cause it to be far more of a problem (if not in fact a "lose - lose" situation) than Saddam is - as is evidenced by the quiet, low-key, diplomatic approach the Bush Administration is taking.

So essentially, I don't see Alex's positions as substantially different than that of many people on the American left. Now, if you want to go the moron route and suggest that any American who does not unquestioningly support the tactics and policies of the Bush Administration is a traitor, then I guess you can conclude Alex is anti-American. Otherwise, at least the way I read it, it's wrong to consider what he's been posting as somehow anti-American.
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