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Old 02-27-2003   #32
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Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 27 2003, 12:20 PM
I was going to post, but everyone knows that I have a HUGE American EGO!


The sad fact is that most canadiens know the US is better in all ways, so they have a chip on their shoulder and make as many snide comments as they can squeeze in.

Its like being the incapable older brother who did ok in school, did not have many friends, the the US comes along, as the younger brother - does great in school, has all kinds of friends, plays all the sports, goes on to college on a scholarship and becomes a successful and powerful CEO - who has to end up helping his incapable older brother for ever....

Of course their is going to be animosity..... but hey, its ok, we still love Alex, and Canada!!
What I said earlier about amateur psychology stands. I don't think Alex is reacting out of some international sibling rivalry in any way, shape or form. I understand that trivializing it as such has a certain appeal to those adverse to thinking, or who require a "least common denominator" in order to grasp something; but that doesn't make it anything remotely resembling a valid theory to be given a moment's thought by a thinking person.

Look - there are a great many AMERICANS who feel as Alex does. There are a great many AMERICANS who worry that Bush Administration ties to the oil industry are in part motivating them toward this war. There are a great many AMERICANS who find the Bush Administration attempts to link Iraq to AlQaida shallow at best. There are a great many AMERICANS who find Bush Administration claims of concern for the credibilty of the United Nations more of a stretch than can be made with comfort. There are a great many AMERICANS who find the heavy-handed conduct of foreign policy the Bush Adminstration to be absurd, ill-advised, and counterproductive in the long run.

Hell's bells, I've got some concerns about all of the above, and I'm for this fucking war!!! So Alex, don't take all of the charges of "anitAmericanism" too seriously. Some of them are actually pretty funny.
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