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Old 02-27-2003   #17
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I'm racking my brain to remember the news footage of Canadians dancing in the streets to celebrate the attack on 9/11 and I just can't picture it.

CJ - you are nicer than I. When someone tries to explain international attitudes and dismiss international disagreements with sports team analogies and high school psychology, I tend to ignore them completely.

I've read Alex's posts. I disagree with some of what Alex says and agree with other things Alex says. Dismissing this war as "all about oil" is no more or less wrong than assuming France is resisting U.S. action only because of "oil and secret deals." Suggesting that the United States pay more attention to international opinion when one of the reasons it's using to justify this war is to "ensure the relevance of the United Nations" doesn't seem like a rabid antiAmerican sentiment to me. The gas-sucking SUV stuff is no less a gross oversimplification than suggesting that the war in Iraq will affect alQaida.

But Alex as "Anti-American"? Not IMHO, not by a long shot. Hell, I've been accused on the boards of being anti-American by some of the "Bobble Heads for Bush" and other "Liberals are Traitors" morons. Alex, I think you're being a little thin-skinned; you're taking some of this far too personally and far too seriously.

I may not like what he says. I may not agree with what he says. But I don't see the rabid antiAmerican sentiment that others seem to read into it.
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