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Old 02-27-2003   #9
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Little South of Sanity
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I have an American Ego and am proud of it and I am proud of America and proud to be an American, even with all the challenges we face
I believe that America is the finest country in the world, that's not to say any other people or country are beneath or not equal to America

It has been expressed better than I can how tired we are as American's of hearing our country bashed
We all saw celebrations in the street by other human beings over the death of Americans on 9/11

What I have never understood (even with Sword's analogy) is why other countries would not try to emulate America to some degree, to enjoy the basic freedoms and financial prosperity that America enjoys.
Is there any country we as American's have not helped when called upon?

America has open doors to the world, we are the great melting pot.
Millions of people immigrated to America during the last century in search of a better life. When and why did that change?
When did America go from being the place to find your dreams to being the country to denigrate?
American's are truly citizens of the world with people and aspects from every culture

And like all great Empires some day America will fall

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