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Old 02-27-2003   #4
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 208

I think the whole "american ego" thing is a misinterpretation, probably due to the feelings the rest of the world has towards America because America is perceived to be the "#1" country in the world, in many ways. IE the most financially powerful and militarily, basically the only real superpower left in the modern world. True or not, that is how many around the world perceive America, and that makes America a target of a little jealousy/envy/desire to see it "knocked down a notch or two" etc.

It is much like when watching a sporting event, and the heavily favored team that is winning easily is considered arrogant and the audience kind of resents them and roots for the underdog. Are they really arrogant or is it other people's own insecurities or feelings that causes them to resent the winning team?

I see that in CJ's post. I don't see Colin having any "American Ego" at all. In fact I used to think he was a part of the "blame America first" crowd because of some of his other comments. I absolutely disagree that Colin has an "American Ego" or is not open minded and listening to both sides.

Instead, what I see, is an assumption of "american ego" because of people's underlying feelings resulting from percieving the USA as the top dog, the arrogant winning team, a basic (and probably subconscious) feeling of envy/resentment for anyone not a "part" of that winning team.

Now non-americans first reaction to that statement would probably be that it is just more "american ego". Well it isn't, it is the basic psychology of class envy or in this case country envy. I seriously doubt there is much more "america ego" than there is "australia ego" or "canada ego" or "isreal ego" or any other country. Most everyone is very proud of the country they live in, but because America is considered the "#1" country around the world by many, that same amount of pride in one's country is considered overly zealous "ego" and arrogance much the same as the winning team in sports is considered arrogant when they celebrate.

I think it has much more to do with the psychology of other's, than it does with American's behaviour. Yes Americans can certainly be arrogant, as can any countries residents. But most Americans will agree that this country is seriously fucked in MANY ways.

I'll certainly say that America is fucked up in MANY MANY ways. There is so much wrong in this country, that it staggers the mind at times. I have no problem saying that. That being said, I still think America is a great place to live!

Last edited by Sword at Feb 27 2003, 08:25 AM
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