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Old 02-27-2003   #3
Almighty Colin
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"American ego"? I think you misunderstand me. I don't think the US is the best country or the most moral or the most right but it is MY country and it is the best for me.

Criticism of American policy or it's admininistration is fine. I myself don't need to hear "rosy things" about America. I've read many thoughtful criticisms of many people on particular American policies both from within it's borders and from non-citizens. I am not at all naive or blind and very well understand the views of those that don't cooperate with the US and why. I even UNDERSTAND why some in the world celebrated when planes crashed into our twin towers on September 11, 2001. I understand the role of American hegemony in the Middle East and why so many people there are opposed to America's policies and the continual cycle it helps to perpetuate. I promise you there is no "American ego" here. You will have to excuse me though if I tire of someone continually thrashing my America the Beautiful, the land that *I* love. I understand these things but if one wants to bring it up over and over again, expect me to defend against it.

Any of the particular conversations Alex has brought up would be fine if isolated. In fact, many of his points are interesting to hear. However, it seems to me and to many others that he has a long-term pattern of pointing out "what is wrong with America". One is responsible for one's overall pattern of behavior and one should not be surprised if the totality of criticism of America, it's policies and it's people eventually leads some of us Americans to surmise that person is anti-American in principle.

Yeah, some people will be insulted if you continually bash their country or hate it - especially if you don't live there. As I stated earlier, I do not believe America to be the most right, the most moral, or above all others. However, she is mine and I am hers. Again, if one wants to continually attack her in a public forum, I will defend her in that public forum. It does eventually get tiresome to hear. What is someone's GOAL in what I see as continually taking jabs at America, it's citizens and it's policies?

I am very open to the fact that my interpretation is incorrect. I have been pondering this for days. I have been wondering whether I jumped to conclusions or was being unfair. Then yesterday, I read the comments of others who come to the same conclusions as I. I wondered why. "Might we all might be jumping the gun?", I thought. Maybe. Are we unfairly judging
Alex? Maybe. I started this thread to ask him to clarify that and clear up any misconceptions. I do mean it in the most friendly way. If he can clarify this for all those who think the same thing, he can. I will say that I know why I have thought what I do - he has this pattern of continually pointing out what is wrong with America. If he continues with the "what is wrong with America" posts, quotes, jabs, some of us Americans posting here will continue to be annoyed with it.

I am surprised that you said "American ego". I defend my country yet I don't attack his. I never have and I never will attack Canada, insult it's citizens, it's government, or it's way of life. On principle, I would not continually criticize Canadians, Australians, or Dutch especially if I shared time in a public forum with them.

"Anti-American". It's relative, isn't it? Alex is in Canada commenting on America and after a long time it has finally rubbed me the wrong way. I think we all understand why some black people feel it is ok to call another black person "nigger" but not ok for a white person to do it. Similar thing. A white person CAN call a black person "nigger" but expect to get your ass beaten and don't be surprised when it happens.

I meant what I said. "[Alex,]You're a nice guy. I've known you for many years. You're always very friendly in person. Maybe you could clarify this for everyone. I mean this in the most friendly way."

Last edited by Colin at Feb 27 2003, 08:01 AM
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