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Old 01-25-2003   #70
Posts: n/a


My purpose is this. I want to be a creator. Not a affiliate

1. I have a distributor at Direct that wants to carry my product when I reach 10 DVDs. I am on my 4th in seven months.

2. I'll get a little cash for that which I'll use to invest in a production house.
Then I'll make another 10 and start my own distributor line.

3. Eventually the quality of my product will get around (give me a year max) and I will offer "softcore" versions of the clips the pay-for-view cable stations like Spice, etc.

4. Then that money will go back into hiring a real crew and I can do this full-time. Hire a real staff, etc.

Your turn. Obviously I'm not going for $1,000,000 overnight.
But affiliates always have to buy THUS ARE ALWAYS DEPENDANT ON OTHERS!!!

Your turn...
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