Thread: Viagra
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Old 01-17-2003   #10
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MS brought windows (and therefor for the most part) computing to the masses - and now they are a "bad" company becasue you can't use their product for your chosen applications - ahhhh use another application made by another company

Why are you so quick to point the finger at companies and not hold individuals responsible for their own actions?

It's a companies fault if someone is obese?
It's a companies fault if someone gets addicted to prescription drugs?
Not the individuals fault for not knowing what they were taking and not researching it?
Much less not being aware of what any substance they ingest does to their body

Therein lies the problem, no personal accountability, point the finger and lay the blame on "Big Companies"

Fuck that - what happened to personal accountability much less good common sense

With your logic McDonalds will lose the cases they are currently being sued for where the plaintiffs claim their obesity is because of McDonald's - not because they ate the wrong foods -OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL

and that my friends is part of the challenges America faces

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