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Old 10-31-2002   #4
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,087

yeah that part of the old board will be missed most. that is was like a small coffee shop or bar you walked into at the beginning or end of the day and you felt like you were saying hello to everybody and they could see you and say hello back. 'Cheers' the messageboard. Not all of that will be lost.

The plus of this board is that more people will post, i really think a non-threaded board has a real limitation in that there are only so many people who can feel welcome at a board like that. The regulars not on purpose but just by being such regulars take over the board and then people who might only be the type to post once in awhile feel shy to post.
So in a way cutting down on the intimacy of the board helps make it feel more accessible to more people.

But i think for the people like me and you cj and the rest of the hardcore regulars since Day 1 there is definitely a loss.
Also the sense of having center stage is gone. Everybody got their chance to stand up and have their moment on the soapbox.

There are pro's and con's, like in most every decision we make in life.
Biz wise i think this was the right move.
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