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-   -   how did the extreme religious right get that way? (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=44306)

Biggy 10-27-2005 06:40 PM

how did the extreme religious right get that way?
I never understood how people become so religious AND feel the need to inflict their views upon everyone. I respect and tolerate the fact that people are religious and choose to do so, but it amazes me about how some of these people want everyone to be just like them (notice the emphasis of the AND). Are those the teachings of the religion they choose to believe in? Do you think Jesus would want everyone to believe 100% what he believed, and do everything in his power to make/force people to believe? That sounds more like the Taliban and other harsh theocracricies like Iran come to mind.

I would love to sit down with some of these people and ask them, but I bet their views are so twisted and distorted that it would be too late to even try and alter their opinion, as their minds are probably already closed. I think the key word here is: Tolerance. I tolerate and respect their views, and don't try to obstruct their activity, yet they try to obstruct ours. When it comes to porn, I always think - if you don't like it, don't look at it. As long as its not intrusive and forced on to anyone, whats the problem? Porn can be both a good thing or a bad thing, which goes with alcohol, tobacco, and about a million other things. It is meant for consenting adults. I would also ask these people if 1) they have had sex themselves, and 2) if they enjoy having sex. I find it so silly that some people can be so anti-porn.

Just a little public rant about what appears to be the religious right becoming more influential in this country. Feel free to comment, but this has been a thought running through my head for a while now.

Nickatilynx 10-27-2005 06:58 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
Amen brother :)

TheEnforcer 10-27-2005 07:14 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
Oh man.. you hit the nail right on the head.

VooMan 10-27-2005 07:54 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
I think that any time you put a group together, the original purpose for the group becomes twisted and distorted over time. The mindset of what *we* believe, and the incessant need for the human ego to be *right* and the other person *wrong* (which further bolsters the human ego and continues the cycle) is what, in my opinion, drives groups to fanatacism and the crazy behavior we are seeing these days from so many different groups.

Criminals are probably responsible for 2% of the misery on our planet. *Respectable citizens* are responsible for the rest...

MorganGrayson 10-27-2005 08:50 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

I'm just going to try and keep it short with "I agree." :)

And, no, it's not what Jesus had in mind at all.

Conceptually, "organized religion" is fantastic. A big version of "it's dark and scary out there so let's all hold hands while we cross the street." It's unfortunate and very, very sad that put in practice...it's so very ugly. It's a lot scarier than anything that's out there in the dark.

PornoDoggy 10-27-2005 09:42 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
I am not a fan of the Christian Right. I don't think they are either Christian or correct, personally.

They are nothing new, either. Revivals are a common theme in American history, and they have played a role in politics each time. The beginnings of the contemporary evangelical movement began in the late 60s/early 70s - about the height of the so-called counterculture of that era. It took the monkey's co-star to bring them into play as a partisan political force.

That being said - they are no more difficult to talk to than any other ideologue. Try talking to a PETA member about the value of animal based cancer research. Try talking about a balance between government regulation and free markets to either a Communist or a neo-con. Try talking ordinary common sense to an NRA tool or a member of the organized libertarian party.

My suggestion - try pissing into the wind. As frustrating as it is, it's more satisfying than any of the above.

LadyMischief 10-27-2005 09:54 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by MorganGrayson

I'm just going to try and keep it short with "I agree." :)

And, no, it's not what Jesus had in mind at all.

Conceptually, "organized religion" is fantastic. A big version of "it's dark and scary out there so let's all hold hands while we cross the street." It's unfortunate and very, very sad that put in practice...it's so very ugly. It's a lot scarier than anything that's out there in the dark.

Yep.. I find organized religion to be a hotbed of sophistry and hypocracy with no other purpose than to line the pockets of those who are in a position to profit from blind faith.

Doesn't mean I don't have my own faith or beliefs, I am simply beyond disenchanted with all forms of organized religion and what they've come to symbolize in the world.

Dale_Ryan 10-28-2005 04:18 AM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
If you wanna get reach, put a religion of your own.

Vick 10-28-2005 10:56 AM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
The Moral Majority is neither

but I really believe religions have the best salesmen anywhere!!!

Getting someone to believe in an imaginary invisible being in the sky who made everything, dictates how everyone should live as well as how much of your money should be given to this beings representatives here on earth

Fucking amazing that anyone buys that, one amazing sales job!
Craziest thing I've ever seen

It's all mythology, superstition and the negative from religions far outweighs any good
and that is the saddest part

We are carbon based life forms lucky enough to evolve in a hospitable environment

This guy in the sky is better than that guy in the sky and someone is willing to kill everyone because of this arcane belief
That's beyond insane

SykkBoy 10-28-2005 01:28 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Vick
The Moral Majority is neither

but I really believe religions have the best salesmen anywhere!!!

Getting someone to believe in an imaginary invisible being in the sky who made everything, dictates how everyone should live as well as how much of your money should be given to this beings representatives here on earth

Fucking amazing that anyone buys that, one amazing sales job!
Craziest thing I've ever seen

It's all mythology, superstition and the negative from religions far outweighs any good
and that is the saddest part

We are carbon based life forms lucky enough to evolve in a hospitable environment

This guy in the sky is better than that guy in the sky and someone is willing to kill everyone because of this arcane belief
That's beyond insane

Amen Brother Vick!

Nickatilynx 10-28-2005 01:36 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Vick
The Moral Majority is neither

but I really believe religions have the best salesmen anywhere!!!

Getting someone to believe in an imaginary invisible being in the sky who made everything, dictates how everyone should live as well as how much of your money should be given to this beings representatives here on earth

Fucking amazing that anyone buys that, one amazing sales job!
Craziest thing I've ever seen

It's all mythology, superstition and the negative from religions far outweighs any good
and that is the saddest part

We are carbon based life forms lucky enough to evolve in a hospitable environment

This guy in the sky is better than that guy in the sky and someone is willing to kill everyone because of this arcane belief
That's beyond insane

Yeah next they will be convincing people that there really is 100k pics and videos , that this pill will mdouble the size of there penis , that "we will not sell on yr info" , that your credit card will not be charged , that there WERE weapons of mass destruction , that there are fairy's at the bottom of my garden , that a certain tree is sacred , that this war is not about oil its about freedom ......

Or it could be that 70% of the general population really is dumb. lol

Timon 10-28-2005 01:39 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
Nick, how's the old church site doing? Sold any bibles yet? :p

Nickatilynx 10-28-2005 01:41 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Timon
Nick, how's the old church site doing? Sold any bibles yet? :p

Never had the balls to go through with it LOL

Pulling a stunt like that I'm sure could lead to being jinxed for life lol

Vick 10-28-2005 01:42 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
Yeah next they will be convincing people that there really is 100k pics and videos , that this pill will mdouble the size of there penis , that "we will not sell on yr info" , that your credit card will not be charged , that there WERE weapons of mass destruction , that there are fairy's at the bottom of my garden , that a certain tree is sacred , that this war is not about oil its about freedom ......

Or it could be that 70% of the general population really is dumb. lol

It more likely that I would believe any of that than the guy in the sky bit

You mean the pills really won't double the size of my penis??!
Guess it's a good thing I tied a rock to my son's penis when he was young to um ... help him stretch

If I recall correctly the mean IQ in the USA is 95, meaning half have an IQ of 95 or lower
But if it's only half, why does that half seems to be prevalent in everything and everywhere?

When I think about it look how many believed "I won't cum in your mouth"
Guess that's for another discussion he he he

Nickatilynx 10-28-2005 01:45 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
The cheque is in the mail :)

MorganGrayson 10-28-2005 03:24 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
Some religions captured some people (careful wording, there) because these individuals are not able to cope with a world where there are questions that have no answers...such as "what is death and why?" Therefore, fear drove these individuals into the arms of people who provided an answer. The fact that the latter were snake oil salesmen didn't land with the former, as they were so relieved to have an answer to their question.

What happens after death? I have absolutely no idea...but I can sail along merrily with that. I have a religion and its teachings provide me with a variety of possibilities, but proof? No. There is no proof. (I have a personal philosophy that explains why there is no proof, but that one is my own, not something provided by a "religion," organized or otherwise.)

One of the more fascinating aspects of life that few people know about is the small, nasty war going on between various pagan groups. In what is no doubt some ironic revenge for the Christians boosting the pagan holidays that the pagans have adopted the delightful "Our version of paganism is RIGHT and your version of paganism is WRONG" that drops jaws among the majority of pagans. Just as, I'm comfortably certain, the loud, nasty calls of the Evangelicals causes most christians to go "oh, for fuck's sake, shut up already" or a version thereof. (Lower case "c" on "christians" deliberate, to express what I call "the ones that paid attention to the teachings of Christ," separating them from the loud, angry, terroristic money-grubbers.)

Dravyk 10-28-2005 07:40 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

how did the extreme religious right get that way?
Short answer:

They don't enjoy sex and they don't do it well. (Now there's a loop for ya!)

Anyone who doesn't has a lot of time on their hands. And if they ain't having fun, then no one should either.

Trev 10-28-2005 07:55 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Dravyk
They don't enjoy sex and they don't do it well. (Now there's a loop for ya!)

Anyone who doesn't has a lot of time on their hands. And if they ain't having fun, then no one should either.

Now that explains why you're cunty all the time. ;)

Dravyk 10-28-2005 08:14 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Trev
Now that explains why you're cunty all the time. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif

Remind me, when you come to the States to show you the Grand Canyon.

Up close. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

Trev 10-28-2005 08:24 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Dravyk
Remind me, when you come to the States to show you the Grand Canyon.

Up close. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

Sure thing, I'll take a donkey down to take a look at you ;)

MorganGrayson 10-29-2005 04:50 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Trev
Sure thing, I'll take a donkey down to take a look at you ;)

You're obviously not that upset with Drav, crumpet if you're bringing him a date.:bustingup



Dravyk 10-29-2005 05:01 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
You're obviously not that upset with Drav, crumpet if you're bringing him a date.http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/sm...tingupNEW3.gif



Keep that up, Morgan, and I'll start dangling my modifiers in front of your face. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

MorganGrayson 10-29-2005 05:06 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Dravyk
Keep that up, Morgan, and I'll start dangling my modifiers in front of your face. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

OK...this one could go either way.
Either something very bad or something very good is about to happen.
(You may all quietly ponder the signifigance of that remark; wonder what the possibilities are; and which I would consider good or bad.)


I'm going with..."OH, YEAH?!?!?!?!?!?" :blink:

Dravyk 10-29-2005 05:15 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
Note to self: Make better threats. :huh:

MorganGrayson 10-29-2005 05:22 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Dravyk
Note to self: Make better threats. :huh:

I'd never kick your modifiers out of a sentence, Dravyk. ;)

Note to Drav: never tangle with somebody who *does* make better threats! :lmao1:

PornoDoggy 10-29-2005 05:48 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
Religion is an effort to explain the unexplainable.

So is science.

Science has demystified much, but there is and always will be more requiring explaination.

I don't hold to any particular faith, but I believe. I must be onto something, because I've found that my beliefs eqaually infuriate the true belivers in virtually any religion, as well as those who would describe themselves as having "scientific" minds.

When you get down to the individual practioners, I find the smug, know-it-all, I'm-so-much-better-than-them attitude is what pushes my buttons.

Frankly, I've found that is a characteristic that is common between believers and non-believers.

MorganGrayson 10-30-2005 01:27 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
Very true, PD. Points to you. :)

Almighty Colin 10-31-2005 03:56 AM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
I don't know how they got that way but I wish they were more like us. How can we change them?

Dravyk 10-31-2005 11:16 AM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Almighty Colin
I don't know how they got that way but I wish they were more like us. How can we change them?


MorganGrayson 10-31-2005 03:22 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Almighty Colin
I don't know how they got that way but I wish they were more like us. How can we change them?

We can't.
You can't discuss anything with people who quote rather than think.
You can't change people who are perfectly content the way they are.
You *really* can't change people who truly believe you're an instrument of evil for even trying.

Mike AI 10-31-2005 06:36 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
I am proud to be part of the right wing conspiracy!

MorganGrayson 10-31-2005 07:12 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Mike AI
I am proud to be part of the right wing conspiracy!

I think the second the right wing conspiracy discovers that you're more than capable of linear thought and converse in complete sentences you're going to be out on your ass. ;)

Dravyk 10-31-2005 08:13 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
Oh shit. Do I really have to say something nice about Mike? http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/blink.gif Ok, I'll call it my one good deed for the year.


Originally Posted by Mike AI
I am proud to be part of the right wing conspiracy!

No you're not.

First you got a hot babe for a wife. And since she hasn't left you, you must, um, shit, "things must work down South." That right there knocks you out of the conspiracy.

Add in the former adult stuff (and the toe you have dipped in that you'll say you don't) ... and yeah, I'm sure the Republicans consider you Right ... right next to Mary Carey. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

PornoDoggy 10-31-2005 10:12 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
I think the second the right wing conspiracy discovers that you're more than capable of linear thought and converse in complete sentences you're going to be out on your ass. ;)

Not much worry about that ... he has certainly done a great job of hiding those characteristics in all of his political posts on this board. :whistling

Vick 10-31-2005 10:24 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
but science doesn't embarrassedly ask for a bunch of your money
Nor does it say fucking out of wedlock is bad
Or the nude human body is something to be ashamed of (but that part helps us make $)
Or their guy in the sky is better than your guy in the sky and if you don't agree they will kill you

Science doesn't say we nailed this fucker to a cross and let him hang until he died to make you ok

Dravyk 11-01-2005 01:12 AM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Vick
but science doesn't embarrassedly ask for a bunch of your money
Nor does it say fucking out of wedlock is bad
Or the nude human body is something to be ashamed of (but that part helps us make $)
Or their guy in the sky is better than your guy in the sky and if you don't agree they will kill you

Science doesn't say we nailed this fucker to a cross and let him hang until he died to make you ok

Nicely said!! :okthumb:

MorganGrayson 11-01-2005 03:35 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Dravyk
Nicely said!! :okthumb:

Yes, that was wonderfully said.

I still think it's comparing apples and oranges, though. I've never found sceince and religion to be the slightest bit incompatible. Even back when I was attempting to reconcile my internal beliefs to external teachings, I thought that evolution was a most wonderful way of "creating life." I absolutely refused to believe in a boring "God." And frankly, to me, a "God" that just goes "poof...the human is complete" strikes me as being boring. Tossing out a big bunch of stuff, sitting back in the barcolounger with a brew and saying "OK, let's see what happens next!" strikes me as being much more interesting. Creating intelligent, curious beings seems to me to be saying "OK, let's see exactly how much you guys can figure out about this gift you've been given!"

I got thrown out of Catechism a lot for such beliefs. Didn't believe in a boring "God," and refused - adamantly refused - to believe in that angry, vengeful, spiteful "worship me in fear or I shall smite thee mightily" "God" they were selling, either.

My formerly pregnant neighbor, with whom I've exchanged perhaps four pleasant sentences, brought over her 7 week old son in his Halloween costume for me to see last night. The kid gave me big smiles, the "you're wierd and I can tell and I just love it" smile collection, so I knew I had the baby's thumbs up. I was wearing a long black gown and spider earrings, which probably gave her a clue that I was doing *something* for Halloween, so I thought I'd give the nice lady an intro into my wittle life...and told her I was Wiccan. She handled it well. I answered a few questions that were written on her face, but never escaped her much too polite to ask mouth. I said "basically, that means I have to run around being much nicer than I happen to feel like being." She laughed. I told her *all* major religions have a version of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and she agreed that once you get past that, it's all noise. She also mentioned something that made her my new best friend: you bring that line home. It doesn't mean you're only nice to strangers...you teach your children how to behave to each other with that line. (She has two step-children of whom she is very fond.) You treat your spouse with courtesy. I think I'm going to like being "the old wise witch next door." I *know* I'm going to love having an infant to buy presents for.

Dravyk 11-01-2005 03:39 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
I still think it's comparing apples and oranges, though. I've never found sceince and religion to be the slightest bit incompatible.

Agreed. They aren't!

That is, not until moronic primates with a God fetish keep forcing two square pegs into the same round hole ... and think the Bible is the New York Times of record for all history. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/mad.gif

MorganGrayson 11-01-2005 04:53 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Dravyk
Agreed. They aren't!

That is, not until moronic primates with a God fetish keep forcing two square pegs into the same round hole ... and think the Bible is the New York Times of record for all history. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/mad.gif

The Bible isn't even the Bible anymore. It's been translated, retranslated, then retranslated again...to the point where no one with any sense can believe that what's between the covers are even the original words anymore. It does have some lovely metaphors and some great poetry in it, though.

It also has a section or two that will justify any murderous impulse one has if it's read carefully, which thoroughly sucks.

I once caused a Protestant to go wide-eyed when I sat beside him with my Catholic Bible playing "let's compare it line by line and see." A word here, a word there...and the difference in meaning was astounding.

Trev 11-01-2005 06:16 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
The Bible isn't even the Bible anymore. It's been translated, retranslated, then retranslated again...to the point where no one with any sense can believe that what's between the covers are even the original words anymore. It does have some lovely metaphors and some great poetry in it, though.

It also has a section or two that will justify any murderous impulse one has if it's read carefully, which thoroughly sucks.

I once caused a Protestant to go wide-eyed when I sat beside him with my Catholic Bible playing "let's compare it line by line and see." A word here, a word there...and the difference in meaning was astounding.

It was interesting having my son baptized a catholic with his mother being a methodist... lazy religion methodism... she and I had to go to mass twice a week for 6 months... her paganism came and bit me in the ass :yowsa:

Nickatilynx 11-01-2005 06:58 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Mike AI
I am proud to be part of the right wing conspiracy!

With the loonies round her I'm thinking of joining up!!!


I think Republican neo con would suit my image better...

PornoDoggy 11-01-2005 11:12 PM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?
Actually, as far as the Bible goes ... the TRANSLATIONS that have been done over the last 60+ years are far more accurate than either the Revised Standard or the King James. This has come about through a number of discoveries of ancient scrolls and a better understanding of the language(s) used in them.

The problem over the last 30 years or so is that so many efforts have been made to use "common language" (language which is common to both educated and uneducated people). In other words, they've dumbed it down.

Add onto those two competing efforts the inevitable arguements over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin that religious scholars love to engage in, and you've got a confusing mess.

venturi 11-02-2005 01:23 AM

Re: how did the extreme religious right get that way?

Originally Posted by Dravyk
That is, not until moronic primates with a God fetish keep forcing two square pegs into the same round hole ...

Well, I guess that sums up why they don't much like the fucking, eh? :hehehe9:

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