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softball 12-12-2010 02:54 PM

HIV porn guy comes out....


The porn star who tested positive for HIV a few months ago, which subsequently caused a media circus and caused the adult industry to shut down briefly, has come forward and revealed himself to the public, and also claimed that despite reports that he contracted the virus outside of the industry, he in fact did!

Derrick Burts, 24, performed in both gay and straight films under the name Derek Chambers and Cameron Reid, now claims that during his brief time in the industry, he also contracted herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, and claims that "the only person I had sex with in my personal life was my girlfriend," also an adult film star who has since tested negative for HIV.

Burts will be speaking today at the AIDS healthcare foundation to address a list of reforms he thinks need to be taken in the adult film world to ensure that no other performers contract anything while on set - INCLUDING mandatory condom usage!

Unbelievable! So scary - especially if he's telling the truth about where he caught the virus!

We sincerely hope that his speaking out can help ensure the safety of others involved in porn!

Stay strong, bb!
While your there check out the Argentinian dancing with the stars....lol


Toby 12-12-2010 07:39 PM

Re: HIV porn guy comes out....
Odds are almost zero that Derrick acquired HIV on the set of a gay shoot during oral sex. What that story, and all the others, fail to note is Derrick's side job as a gay escort.

The reality is they really don't know where he contracted the virus, so any claim is just spin. Spin by Derrick, spin by AIM, spin by AHF. Is anyone else dizzy yet?

MikeSouth 12-12-2010 10:50 PM

Re: HIV porn guy comes out....
I been dizzy I want to throw up when one news outlet called him brave.

If the little cocksucker were brave he'd have come forward on day one, a greedy victim is all he is.

andreajmata 12-13-2010 08:36 PM

Re: HIV porn guy comes out....
I get the greedy victim feeling from this too. I particularly liked his quote about how the adult industry didn't do enough to educate him about HIV.

Sorry dude, but if basic sex education isn't on your resume, you really shouldn't be fucking for a living.

On the other side of all of this, I don't know that mandatory condom usage in adult films is really the answer. I think it gives a very false sense of security, as condoms do NOT stop all STI's and the practices we see in adult films often make the use of condoms for penetration a moot point anyway.

housekeeper 12-14-2010 04:31 PM

Re: HIV porn guy comes out....

Originally Posted by Toby (Post 837425)
What that story, and all the others, fail to note is Derrick's side job as a gay escort.

And there's a lot of bodily fluid flying around in that arena, not at all dissimilar to transsexual performers.

FereronrY 01-15-2011 04:16 PM

Things nice??!

Hell Puppy 01-16-2011 08:51 PM

Re: HIV porn guy comes out....
paging spambot.

clean up on aisle 5.

DWB 01-20-2011 07:03 AM

Re: HIV porn guy comes out....
So how did this mess pan out? Wasn't following it.

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