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Old 08-22-2005   #1
Prostate Examiner
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Default while you were fucking around and going down the memory lane

I was having a surgery. No, not sex change operation, just a gallbladder removal. They brought me in pre-op around 9 am on Thursday, big black guy shaved me from nuts to nipples and I wished Sue was there with a camera, the picture of me being shaved BIG TIME would give lots of comfort to former Sergescash members

IV was put in, Sue was let in about 20 mins I was getting one of the biggest hard-ons of my life (I have no idea what was in this IV). That was rather embarassing, and I begged her to change the subject and not talk about surgery but about something more tranquill instead, like the love to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the good 'ole topic from years long passed which ALWAYS produced the desired turn off results.

Modern Anesthesia
IS a miracle of the modern medecine. You are given few gulps of oxygen, one IV shot, small burning sensation and when you are about to complain that it burns too much you are awaken in your room and surgery is over. I can't recall if I got awaken on my own or because the catheter was taken out of my penis, but I do know now how one spells relief

Sue comes later on and tells me that they did remove the gallbladder but it is not the end of my troubles, there is some stone in the common bile duct which still blocks the duct. Next day I am back on the table with gastroenterologist who removes the stone thru the open mouth after I was given similar anesthesia and the stent was put in

Now I am back home, and can't drink wine for 10 days, the antibiotics I take don't mix well with alchohol.

Most memorable moment
12 hours after the surgery, with over 1000ml of IV in, still nothing was coming out. The nurse has given me the ultimatum:
either I pee on my own or they will put the catheter back. I was peeing 1 tea spoon a minute (boy, did it hurt!) but...the alternative scared me shitless.
I have to thank my new friends from Wine Spectator Board, they saved my life,
Grunhauser and GreenGrazi. When I couldn't pee to save myself, I closed my eyes, and pretended that I pee in their mouthes. THIS what did the trick! People, NEVER run out of images/people you'd like to pee on, you never know when it would come handy! is offline   Reply With Quote