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Old 02-15-2012   #7
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Default Re: Romney Accepts Maximum Campaign Donation From Man Whose Company Owns Penthouse

Originally Posted by will76 View Post
I hate democrats just as much as republicans, they both suck ass for various reasons. Yes the republicans are closet homos, prudes that want to make social laws to tell people how to live, but at the same time the democrats want to control our money and want tons of social programs to reward the poor for being... unproductive and poor. While they reward the successful people by raping their bank accounts. Can't stand the liberals, can't stand the conservatives...
Really? this.....just a paragraph from an interesting story....

Of course, in 2003 the deficit was “just” $374 billion. This, remember, was only two years after Bush took office, met by a surplus of $237 billion. So he added $611 billion to the deficit in two short years, by diddling around with indefensible tax cuts for the wealthy (remember how they goosed the economy? Didn’t think so) and passing the aforementioned Medicare expansion to shore up the senior vote. Admittedly, Obama outpaced Bush. He added $1 trillion in a year. But we all know why. Well, some of us know why. The economy was going to die, and it needed money. Wall Street and the banks didn’t have it, so the government had to supply it.
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