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Old 02-14-2012   #5
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Default Re: Romney Accepts Maximum Campaign Donation From Man Whose Company Owns Penthouse

" But Marc Bell, the president and CEO of Friendfinder, did speak to The Daily Beast. He made clear that his business wasn’t porn, but something some Americans find far more indecent: “We own lots of companies, lots of business, we’re a private equity firm,” said Bell. Friendfinder was “just a technology company. We write software and the users provide the content.” To him, Penthouse was just a legacy of past business transactions. Bell said the glossy magazine and its accompanying brand “is a tiny piece of our business, less than 10 percent of our total business.”

I hate Marc Bell with a fucking passion. Remember boys and girls this is the same dick head that took over control of ibill (when penthouse bought it) and ran it into the ground and lost tens of millions of our money. However I am sure he walked away from the deal smelling like a rose.

Now he is saying that his business isn't porn. That is fucking laughable, what does all of those girls on do? knit and sew ? not to mention the last time i checked had a ton of porn on it. lol, no porn there!!!

Fucking morons at penthouse + AFF was a perfect match made in hell.

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