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Old 12-16-2010   #17
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 926
Default Re: When will it be lights out for the paysite model?

Originally Posted by EmporerEJ View Post
I heard that same crap back in 1987 when I was buying VHS tapes, DELIVERED, for about $1.85.

Today, I can buy DVDs, DELIVERED, in about the 70-80 cents range without looking. I'm betting if I spent some time? I could go 50 cents. And that's physical media delivered. This is the thing the "online" world never "got."

The old boys, who used to shoot on film, then moved "direct to tape," to be cost effective, know exactly how much value content has. There are hundreds of thousands of catalog titles out there, and they'd be happy to get 25 cents for a license.

99 cents? oh yea. That's gonna be the "retail" sales level at some point, real soon.
1987 the industry was how much smaller? Also I was a porn buyer in 87 and no one was giving porn away for super cheap. So the idea 99 cents will be the hot retail model is the path for failure. We arent music.we cant go on tour and sell t shirts. Nothing can compete with free and 5 million closed credit cards. The problem is people are getting desperate and its going to be the race to the bottom.
__________________ yum yum.
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